#and would only go camping if threatened with violence and i would complain and moan the whole time
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metalcorebarbie · 2 months ago
it’s so funny that i’m so horny for oliver stark because i feel like he would hate me with a burning passion
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ijustwant2write · 5 years ago
I’ll Be There To Save You-Halfdan The Black x Reader
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(GIF credit to @sceawere​)
Tags: @amirahiddleston @bloodorangemoonlight
Requested by anonymous: ‘Hi, I really love your work! So... can you do a one shot about Rollo or Halfdan pls? idk where he saves the reader from being raped or something like that. Thanks’
Characters: Halfdan x Reader
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name 
Warnings: Almost rape, violence, fighting, gore (blood), swearing, remorse, insecurity, fluff at the end
“I am aching from yesterday. You think we could take a day of rest to relish in the the glory, but no, onto the next village.” my friend Astra moaned, massaging her shoulder.
I smiled as I sharpened my sword.“Do I hear you complaining about raiding? I never thought I would see the day.”
“I love raiding as much as the next viking, but aren’t you tired? We seem to be going full force on this one.”
I sat back, checking over my weapon.“Yes, I suppose I am. This is our last stop though before we head home. And it seems that this village is tiny, it won’t take more than an hour to go through.”
“I guess you’re right.” she sighed.“Oh, look who is headed this way.”
Looking up, I followed her eye line, smiling as I spotted Halfdan.“Right on time as usual.”
“Why haven’t you two married yet? You’re both in love, you express that love in front of everyone, may as well take the next step.”
I put my sword away, scoffing before speaking.“Believe me, I ask myself that question almost everyday.”
“Well, I’ll leave you to it. Maybe you’ll be engaged when I see you again.”
I rolled my eyes at her, both of us knew it wouldn’t be true. But she was right, it seemed odd that Halfdan hadn’t asked me. Each of us knew each other’s intentions, this wasn’t a situation where two people needed their beds warmed at night. I had made that extra clear when I started to feel things for him, threatening that if he humiliated me, I would not hesitate to hurt him. He had laughed at that, though I wasn’t offended; he was humoured by it because he had no intention to do that, he confessed his feelings for me too. And it had been surprising how comfortable he had been with publicising it, especially for a man that expressed himself through violence. 
“Good morning.” I smiled, welcoming the kiss he slowly placed on my lips.
"Are you ready for another day in paradise?"
I could never tell if he was serious when he spoke like that."You really do see the more positive side to everything, don't you?"
He chuckled, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer into his body."You're the one that fell for me, so it must work."
"Are you ready? Do you have all of your weapons?" I asked, looking over his body.
"Yes, do you?"
I nodded.
"Stay close to me today, OK?"
"I always do. Anyway, this shouldn't be hard today."
"Don't underestimate the enemy. Please, don't get overexcited and run off."
"I promise!" I urged."Come on, we need to go."
People parted as Halfdan and I approached. The raid was being led by his brother, Harald, meaning Halfdan was leading alongside him. I just got to tag along. Everyone was gearing themselves up for the charge, frustrated that we still had to walk for a half hour or so before the bloodshed began. Harald hugged his brother, patting each other on the back before he turned to me, grabbing my hand and kissing it. He always treated me like I was some sort of lady. Harald captured everyone's attention as he stood on top of a bench, raising his arms as a sign for people to silence themselves.
"Unfortunately, it is our last day of raiding, our last day of conquering another part of this land. I want to thank all of you, my brothers and sisters, for helping me in my quest to be king of all of Norway! We have been victorious at every battle, because we are strong! Because we are ruthless! Because we are viking!"
Everyone raised their weapons as they cheered, getting riled up and excited for the final battle. I glanced up at Halfdan, loving the expression on his face. Yes, he looked like a madman, but that was him at his best. He lived for this. Halfdan was born for fighting, the passion he had for it was amazing. I remember when I had been naive enough to think that killing was more important him than I was. He soon proved me wrong, countless times.
"Just think," Halfdan caught my attention as we began our short journey to the edge of the village,"after all of this, after we sail back home, we have all the time in the world to ourselves. In that house, all alone-"
"Don't cloud my mind before a fight. We can celebrate after." I winked.
"I'm just talking about the future."
"The future? Halfdan, what do you mean by that?"
"You just said you had to stay focused. We're almost there."
He was such a tease, in and out of bed. He was right though. I needed to think about what was ahead, even if it was going to be easy. We were quiet as we reached the village, though even from a few miles away, you could hear screams of panic. Harald ordered us to move quicker, almost running. Soon enough we were charging, battle cries ringing out and echoing across the land. I kept up with Halfdan, somehow able to not get mixed up with the rest of the army. There were warriors ahead of us who had broken down the pitiful barrier set up, and we were free to reign terror amongst these people.
Halfdan and I continued running as others started slaughtering and pillaging. We cut down those that tried to attack us with ease, smiling maniacally at each other. We slowed down, catching our breath, about to decide where to raid when a group of men charged towards us. Back to back, we fought against all types of attacks, sowrds and axes swinging down on us. I was concentrating so much on not getting killed, that I didn't realise that Halfdan and I got separated. It was finally one on one, but this man had no special skills; he was a bloke that thought he could easily outdo someone smaller than him, a stupid mistake to make. With one final swoop, I cut his neck open, watching as he fell to his knees, blood spurting out rapidly. Taking a second to catch my breath, I headed back to where I had left Halfdan, when someone pounced onto my back.
Crying out in pain as he landed on top of me, I kept a sturdy grip on my sword, trying to get him off me. However, he had a knife, and sliced the back of my hand, and instinctively I let go as I yelped. He grabbed my right shoulder, harshly rolling me onto my back. The sun was shining down, causing him to become a shadowy figure. He straddled me, but placed one knee on top of my torso, crushing my lungs.
He snarled as he leaned down, adding more pressure. I tried swinging a punch across his face when he was close enough, but he smirked as he easily dodged it by sitting back again.
"Get the fuck off me." I struggled to say, running out of air.
He finally got off me, but grabbed my legs, dragging me behind one of the shacks they called a house. I reached out for my sword, just missing it due to the speed he was walking. I couldn't scream yet, still gasping for air as I wriggled around, hoping it would make it hard for him to hold me. Nothing seemed to work, and it was only now that I started to panic.
"Get off me!" I shouted out."Help! HALFDAN!"
The man was laughing, it was sick and dark laugh. He let my legs drop, and there wasn't even time to crawl away. It was as if he jumped on me, and I felt breathless again. Thrashing my arms did nothing, he was even effected when I slapped him. Again, he flipped me over onto my front, lying on top of me. I cried out as I felt his hand travel down to my trousers, yanking them down before I felt him wriggle around.
"STOP! PLEASE STOP!" I screeched, but it was muffled as he shoved my head into the ground, mud sticking to my face.
I started crying, my heart racing faster than it ever had. I was helpless. I couldn't do anything to help myself. No one was around, and if they were, they would think I was one of the villagers. His hips started moving around, and I just knew it was about to happen. Bracing myself, all I could do was cry, and hope this would be over soon.
I heard a man yell out in frustration, before the thudding of feet approached us, and the man holding me down cried out in pain, and his weight was lifted off of me. My body was shaking from fear, confused as to what had just happened.
"(Y/N)..." I heard Halfdan breathe out.
I couldn't move. No matter how much I wanted to, the urge to leave wasn't responding to my body.
"You're safe now. He's dead, he can't hurt you anymore." he whispered, kneeling down beside me.
I realised my trousers were still down, and so did Halfdan. He slowly reached out to cover me up, to regain some dignity, but I flinched away.
"No." I whimpered.
"(Y/N), please let me help you."
I looked up at him through teary eyes, nodding to let him know I was allowing him to touch me. I had never felt a gentler touch from him as he pulled up my trousers, before helping me sit up. My fingers clutched onto the material of his armour, and I felt more and more tears spilling out of my eyes. Glancing to my right, I saw the dead man, my sons becoming wails at this point. Halfdan hesitantly knelt down next to me, wrapping his arms around me slowly, but I quickly hugged him, too scared that if I let go, the man would get back up and continue.
The screams of the villagers was blanked out in my mind, I could smell the smoke from the fires started, and the horrid stench of blood from the man beside me as well as the blood on our clothes, but none of it really registered in my mind. This had never happened to me, I thought I was strong enough to avoid this sort of thing. That if anyone were to do this, I could easily strike them down.
"Let's get back to the camp. I think it's over." Halfdan quietly said, starting to stand up.
He held his hands out to get me on my feet, however, my hands wouldn't move. I was reluctant to hold them, and my heart broke when I saw Halfdan's face. When my hands finally met with his, I managed to stand, my legs also shook, and it was a long walk back for us.
There were questionable stares from everyone we passed. No one had ever seen me cry, only Halfdan, and that was once. They were all celebrating, showing off the riches hidden in the bland village, as well as boating about how many people they had killed. I couldn't even pretend to be happy. My crying hadn't ceased, it was silent now. I hung my head, almost ashamed of what had happened. Why couldn't I have stopped it from happening? Was I weaker now? Was I too cocky?
"And where are you two off to? You must celebrate with us before you enjoy your evening together!" Harald called out, the people surrounding laughing and holldering at his joke.
"Not now brother." Halfdan snapped.
Halfdan walked us to our tent, setting me down on our bed. My eyes were wide as I continued to whimper, desperate to erase that dirty feeling from my body and mind. Halfdan knelt in front of me, reaching out for my hand again when I retracted from it, clutching my other hand on my chest. I realised what I had done as soon as it happened.
"I'm sorry Halfdan." I shakily breathed out."I didn't mean that. It's just...that man, he touched me and-"
Halfdan gently shushed me."You're safe (Y/N). I would never do anything to harm you. That bastard is gone now, I wish I could have given him a more slow, painful death. But I had to save you."
"I know. Thank you Halfdan."
He sadly smiled.
"I feel so weak. Why couldn't I stop him?"
"He played dirty. He was not a man. And you are the strongest woman on this earth. The God's would not have kept you alive on all these raids if not."
"Why me?"
"I don't know."
Although it wasn't very loving, I reached out to cup Halfdan's cheek in my hand, still nervous about this much contact.
"I'm so sorry for not being there with you. I lost you and looked all over when something told me where you were, like an instinct. I should have been there."
"You saved me Halfdan."
"I know but-"
I shook my head frantically."Let's not talk about it anymore. Would...would you lie down beside me?"
"Of course."
He let me move by myself, letting me get comfy before he cautiously laid beside me. I was on my back, and I could feel his eyes watching me. My hand slid across the bed to meet his, and I felt comfort and warmth as he interlaced our fingers. After taking a few deep breaths, I was confident enough to roll onto my side, seeing Harald already looking at me, and shuffling to be closer to him. There was a small smile on his face as he careful wrapped his arms around me, placing a gentle kiss on my head.
"I love you (Y/N). I will always be there to protect you."
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forged-through-trials · 4 years ago
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I had a package to deliver back in Skingrad, so I paid it one last visit before continuing further East. On the way back, guess who we ran into? M’aiq The Liar: “M’aiq wishes he had a stick made out of fishies to give to you. Sadly, he does not.” Trials: Realization dawned. “Like, I see what you’re saying. The ‘fishy-sticks’ are symbolic of the violence inherent in the system. It grinds down the worker just like the meat of delicious fish is ground down into an inedible stick.” M’aiq The Liar: “...” Trials: “And like a school of fishes rising from the deeps, we need to unite and rise up against the ruling class! Before they crush us into indigestible bricks of processed foodstuffs.” M’aiq The Liar: He was visibly confused. “...lady, I’m just a meme-guy!” Trials: “No, no, you’re right, it’s time for the revolution to begin! We’ll cast down the false-leaders of the empire, as I certainly didn’t vote for them! Dismantle White Gold Tower brick by brick! And when they asked who inspired this uprising, I’ll be sure to tell them it was ‘M’aiq The Liar’.” M’aiq The Liar: “Please don--” Trials: “And when they cut your head off and put your it on a pike, I will be there to salute you, sir, for your sacrif--” I look up to realize I’m speaking to a vaguely M’aiq-shaped dust cloud, as the real M’aiq had already raced down the road. Trials: “...huh. Poor guy. Couldn’t handle the burden of leading the revolution.” [ M’aiq Count: 6 ]
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After a while of hiking, we spotted the dig-site in the distance. A few tents, surrounded by trees, on a small island just inside of the river that feeds Niben Bay. Ruin and I drew in closer, and inspected the site. Up close the place was a marvel to behold; the huge trilobite fossil in particular was quite eye-catching. Surely it’s... thousands of years old? Uh, how old is our world? Like, I don’t have the most extensive history background, but the First era was only about three-thousand years long, and the Second Era was only about nine-hundred, and now we’re in the Third Era, and we’re only up to the year 433... I don’t know for sure how long the Dawn and Merithic Eras were, but if the pattern holds true, they were only a few thousand years long at most. Is that even enough time for something to turn into a fossil? Besides the huge “fossil”, the other sight of note was this... cocoon in a tent, dripping some very pungent slime. The smell was enough to make one gag, and I really wondered how the Archie-Guild assistants could stand to be around it. Whatever this stuff is, the guildies seemed to be collecting it. I wonder whatever for? Well, now that we’re here, step one was to speak to the Assistants and see what they had to say.
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Assistant Azim: “Don’t you just love field work? The fresh open air... the camping under the starry sky...?” Trials: “The burning smell of whatever that slime is corroding your nose.” Assistant Azim: “Now if you ask me, there’re two reasons why Tumyr is out in the sticks--” Trials: “Is one of them; ‘He’s ducking Teav’s flirtatious advances’?” Assistant Azim: “...okay, three reasons. “But also, because he is a congenital practical joker. One who happens to like pranking his boss, Rythor. Tumyr’s got something against stuffy desk-work, so he used a soul gem on Rythor’s library, which somehow got them to talk in their authors’ voices. He claimed that he’d intended to use it as a tool so that they could provide a sort of commentary to the texts, but what they actually did was to moan constantly about anything that had bothered them in life. Bad backs, pet hates, personal insults, anything.” Trials: “Huh. I wonder what would happen if someone used a soul gem on my Tumble-Scroll?” Assistant Azim: “I think it would start complaining about the glacial pace you’ve been posting at, lately.” Trials: I pouted. “Hey, I get busy sometimes!” Assistant Azim: “And the other reason is that Tumyr is a Khajiit, and he just loves big, green open space.” Trials: I frowned at him. “Hey, that sounds like Profiling. Would you just go and assume that because I’m Argonian I like walking in the rain?” Ruin: “...Trials, you do like walking the rain.” Trials: “...okay, but he shouldn’t go assuming it! “But, hey, you seem to know all the gossip, so what’s the story with your founder, Solan? You all seem to speak about him with such reverence, but I haven’t heard much in the way of details.” Assistant Azim: “You want me to tell you about Solan? Okay, but I don’t know any more than the rest of us about our great founder and pioneer. “Solan originally came from Hammerfell, where his family had been embroiled in the war of Betonys--” Trials: “Zzzzzz...!” Muttering in my sleep. “M-metal gear... grumble-grunt...” Ruin: “Uh, try to go easy on the politics. It puts her to sleep.” Assistant Azim: “...” He sighed slapped me to wake me up. Trials: My face still stinging. “L-Liquid!” Assistant Azim: He rolled his eyes before continuing. “Solan regards people as the keepers of sacred knowledge, and felt that everyone held some special part of Tamriels history in their souls. Trials: “I think my soul holds all of Cyrodiil’s memes!” Assistant Azim: “As such, he was a fanatical humanist, whose sense of charity and reverence of the people earned him the nickname of ‘Solan the Baptist’.” Trials: “...what the heck is a ‘baptist’?” Assistant Azim: “They dunk your head under water while saying prayers and blessings to the divines.” Trials: “I see! Well, next time I’ll be sure to threaten to ‘baptize’ Sova when she gets sassy.” Assistant Azim: “I don’t think she would appreciate that.” Trials: “I’ll just throw in some ancient Alyeid gods and she could call it ‘research’.”
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The other assistant on duty here was “Assistant Quovi.” I spoke to her next, as she dusted grit and minerals off of the trilobite fossil. She didn’t have much to say, save to gossip about her superiors at the Archeology Guild. Did you know that Aster Cei is married to a Khajiit? Not one of the Southern city-dwellers, either, but a well-connected and hot-tempered lass from one of the nomadic tribes. Sova, meanwhile, was Born with a Silver Spoon in her mouth, as her snooty attitude might have suggested. Hailing from Skywatch in the Summnerset isles, she enraptured the court there from an early age. She saw the digs over here in Cyrodiil as beneath her, and took time to adjust to it. And she’s not too keen on Nords, Orcs, or... hired goons. Trials: “Hired Goons?” Assistant Quovi: “Don’t pay her too much mind. I hear that Rythor actually prefers the personal touch you only get with Hired Goons.” “Anyway, Sova’s not so bad. Once you get used to bowing to her every morning.”
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Finally it was time to enter the big tent, and speak to the Khajiit himself. Gotta say, for someone who loves the great outdoors, his tent sure has a lot of hard-to-transport amenities. I understand that books on paleontology might be important for his work, but the mental image of him carefully arranging his bookshelf every time they make a new camp amused me. Tumyr: “Hello? And who might you be?” Trials: “Hey, I’m ‘Forged-Through-Trials,’ and he’s ‘Ruined-Tail.’ We’re new hires.” Ruin: “A pleasure.” Tumyr: “Really? So nice to meet you. I’m ‘Tumry,’ resident paleontologist.” Trials: “Anyway, we swung by because Teav needs a vial of your famous Dissolving Agent.” Tumyr: “Ah, poor timing, I’m afraid. I’ve run dry of the stuff, for the moment. Used it all to dig out that Ampryx out there.” Trials: “Oh, you mean, the trilobite?” Tumyr: “Yes. It’s a new species I just discovered, so I get to name it. I’ve dubbed it ‘Ampyx Adapsys’.” Trials: “Fascinating stuff, really, but--” Tumyr: “Slithering along the coastline, filter feeding on sand, their chitin exoskeleton and long spines helped protect them from ambush predators.” Trials: I rolled my eyes. “Listen, Tumyr The Science-Guy, we’re here about the Dissolving Agent. If you’re all out, where or when can we get more?” Tumyr: “Oh, making more? That’s easily done, so long as you’ve got the sliiiiiiiime.” Trials: I made a face at him. “Eww, I don’t like how you said ‘slime’. You make it sound vaguely carnal.” Ruin: He visibly paled. “...well, there’s a mental imagine I’m going to be trying to flush for the rest of the day.” Trials: “You and me both, bruh.” Tumyr: He pouted. “I’m just talking about the stuff that leaks from the cocoon I have outside. It’s the active ingredient in my Dissolving Agent. You just mix it with five Green Stain Cup Caps and you have one vial of the agent.” Trials: “...what a coincidence! I happen have five Green Stain Cup Caps right here.” I passed him the Cup Caps. “It’s almost like... there is someone outside of the Aubris who has experienced all of this before and is guiding my actions, or something.”
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Tumyr: He blinked in confusion. “...what... is she looking at?” Ruin: He simply shrugged. Tumry: “...” He shook his head, and passed the finished Dissolving Agent to Ruin. “I think I’d better trust this to you.”
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Fast forward past a short hike back toward the Archie-Guild castle, and Ruin and I were back and speaking to Teav. Ruin passed him the Dissolving Agent, which delighted Teav, who assured us that after some careful preparation, he could begin to carefully remove the contamination and corrosion obscuring the Metallic Shard’s Inner Matrix to further study the artifact. Teav: “I’ve also got some good news for you. Rythor, our Headmaster, has returned from his expedition. I’ve already put in a good word for you.” Trials: “Aww, thanks! I appreciate your doing that for me.” Teav: “You deserve it. Weird as you are sometimes, you do get the job done. Rythor has told me he’d like to meet you in person. You can find him in the Library.”
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A hop, skip and jump later, and we’d found the Library. As you might imagine for the library owned by a bunch of nerds, the place was huge, and filled wall to wall with books... and a giant dragon skull. Gotta say, it’s an effective conversation-starter. Which, given the story Assistant Azim told me about Tumyr’s prank, getting a conversation started isn’t the problem. It’s getting the books to shut up! Book Written by Pelagius III: “And I’ll go into people’s houses at night and wreck up the place!” Dragon Skull: “Well, he’s lost my vote.” Rythor: Obviously irate. “Shut up, both of you! I’m going to kill Tumyr the next time I see him.” He finally noticed Ruin and I, and offered a wave, his demeanor changing immediately. “Greetings. You must be the new recruit I’ve heard so much about.” Trials: “IDidn’tDoEet! Except for the cool stuff. That I did the hell out of!” Rhythor: “...” He straightened his robes anxiously. “Well, I’ve mostly heard only the cool stuff. “I’m ‘Kal Rythor,’ Archeology Guild Headmaster. Teav tells me you’ve done a fine job clearing out that Spire. Given the decent job you did there, and our clear, dire need for some muscle, I’m making you the guild’s official ‘Enforcer.’ You’re now a permanent member, responsible for clearing any hurdles we may run into.” Trials: “Huh. ‘Enforcer’? Makes me sound like a bouncers, or like one of those Made Mer from the Camonna Tong. You’re not gonna send me to go make offers people can’t refuse, are ya?” Rythor: “...” He smiled knowingly. “Funny you should mention that...” Ruin: He frowned thoughtfully. “Oh, here we go.” Rythor: “On the expedition I just returned from, we’d found another Spire, similar to the one you just cleared. There’s more than just one!” Trials: “Well, need me to go in and clear that one out, too?” Rythor: “Not unless you’re into lawn-care. The problem there isn’t monsters, it’s that it’s overgrown with nearly impenetrable vines. There is, however, a nearby mine that burrows deep into the same mountain. “This is where you come in. I need you to speak with the Mine Foreman down there, help him see the virtue of our cause, and convince him to dig a tunnel into the Antechamber.” Trials: “...I feel like cutting through vines would be a lot easier than tunneling through solid rock.” Rythor: “You’d think that, but Cyrodiilic vines are so tough it takes a literal act of god to move them. “Now, go convince those minders to dig that tunnel for us.” Trials: “And what if they refuse?” Rythor: “Then convince your fist to make friends with their noses until they agree.” Trials: Flabbergasted. “...wow! Is that really necessary? I mean, they’re not Sova.” Rythor: “If it comes to it. Meanwhile, I’m going to lead an excavation effort at the Spire you’ve just cleared. “Godspeed, my Enforcer.”
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